teaching methods
Picture of Ardita


Some English teaching methods for young teachers.

Nowadays, the setting of the classroom has changed considerably. The image, where the teacher stood in front of the students with chalk in her hand ready to give lectures, has already ”disappeared”. The active teacher is a teaching element of the past. The students are now active, interactive, being present in every step of the lesson they attend. The role of the teacher is to guide them properly towards the world of the English language. So, to come in hand to the young teachers, we will present them with some English methods, they will consider as helpful. What are some English teaching methods for young teachers?

 What teaching methods should be applied by young teachers?

The students of today’s society are extremely different from the students of yesterday. They are open to the world. As a result, they are totally attached to technology, if not, dependent on it. Everything they do includes more interaction. This is due to their exposure to social media. Being more attached to it, they are also exposed to a lot of information which they need to organize. They are impatient and they want the new information to be taught with the right method. Being the focal point of the lesson, the students need methods to suit the above-mentioned environment.

The Direct Method

Although the principles of this method have been applied for many years, it was revived as a method. This was for the reason that the goal of instruction became learning how to use a foreign language to communicate. Its basic rule is the prohibition of using translation. That is to say that, the meaning is to be connected directly with the target language.

Teachers who use the Direct Method aim that students learn how to communicate in the target language. To succeed in this, they have to think in the target language. Both, the teacher and the students consider each other as partners in the teaching and learning process. Students interact with one another, as well.

In this method, the teachers emphasize vocabulary over grammar. Oral communication is basic, even though, work on all four skills occurs from the beginning.

The Audio-Lingual Method

In this method, the teacher wants the students to be able to use the target language communicatively. They think that students should learn to use the language automatically without stopping to think. Here, the teacher is like a conductor. He gives directions and controlling the language behavior of the students. For this, she has to provide them with a good model for imitation. On the other hand, the students are imitators of the model the teacher provides for them. They try to respond accurately and rapidly at the same time.

The teachers present the new vocabulary and structures through dialogues. The students learn these dialogues through imitation and repetition.  From the examples they give, the teachers induce grammar.

What the teachers emphasize mostly, in this method, are the structures. Vocabulary is contextualized in the context, although it is limited.

The Silent Way

The teacher’s goal, when using this method, is to make students be able to use the language to express themselves. He can use his thoughts, perceptions, and feelings by developing independence from the teacher. The students become independent by relying on themselves. The teacher, on the other hand, offers them only what they absolutely need.

”The teacher works with the student, the student works on the language”, Gattegno.

Although the teacher is silent ,he is still active.He presents situations to instill awarness to the students.

Students work with the pronunciation from the beginning.Emphasis is put even on the structures of the language.

The teacher encourages students to self -correction.If the students are not able to self-correct and peers cannot help,then the teacher would interfere.The teacher uses student errors to decide where additional work is necessary.


In this method, we will notice that the teacher is the authority. The students must believe in the teacher and show respect, too. By being secure, the students become spontaneous.  The classroom in which the students learn a language is as comfortable as possible. This is a classroom where light and music are present. Teachers present posters. They change them frequently. These posters help students with certain grammatical structures displayed on them.

There are two phases -the receptive phase and the activation phase. In the receptive phase, the students pay attention to the teacher, and then in the next phase, they engage themselves in various activities.  Vocabulary and communicative speaking are highly emphasized.

    The Communicative Approach

the goal of this method is to make students communicatively competent. That is to say, students need knowledge of linguistic forms, meanings, functions. The role of the teacher is that of the facilitator. He is a manager of the activities he selects. He is the advisor by giving answers to students and monitoring their performance. On the other hand, the students are communicators-they are actively engaged in the lesson.

Some distinguishing features of this approach are -communication, authentic material, and work in small groups. Thus, we notice that language functions are emphasized over forms.



What teaching methods should be applied by young teachers?

All in all, we can say that English teaching methods for young teachers are numerous. The more they know, the better the possibilities are for them to engage a variety of methods in their teaching process. A mixture of various techniques will be efficient in their teaching process.

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Picture of Ardita


Mrs. Ardita Bazelli graduated with a degree in English from the Fan Noli University in Korce, in 2004. She is currently teaching English at Preca International College. Mrs. Bazelli has been a consistent partner and co-founder in national and international eTwinning projects in Albanian and European schools for improving technological access to education. In 2019, she guided her students aged 12-15 to win nationally recognized projects. For the last ten years, she has been teaching at the LSIA Korce branch, where she is currently helping young students learn English.