English Club TV
ENGLISH CLUB TV is the perfect complement to your LISA English course choices by giving you access to
- Cartoons
- Documentaries
- Feature Films
- Music videos
- Unlimited Online English Lessons
- Live Stream English TV for Life
Each offering from ECTV can be matched to your progress in LISA Learning courses and so you can choose from the A1, A2, B1, B2 or C level content.
This will allow you to hear real English being used in everyday situations that reflect real life and so add to your learning experience through LISA Learning.
Having additional learning resources is a proven way to improve the quality of learning and to get the best outcomes.
English Club TV Plans
- Standard Monthly - 2.99 USD per 1 month - Ongoing
- Standard 3 Months - 7.49 USD per 3 months - Ongoing
- Standard Yearly - OFFER 14.99 USD per 1 year (normal price 29.99) - Ongoing
- Unlimited - 49.99 USD for Lifetime