on line warm up activities
Picture of Ardita


Online warm-up activities. Here they are!

When it comes to teaching onsite and online as well, we know that our class has both introverts and extroverts students. But how can we distinguish these types of students? The ones that are very present in-class activities, discussions and do not feel shy to ask are the introverts. The students who stay ”comfortable” by listening are the introverted ones. There is no room to feel worried there is a solution to make your classes inclusive. Here are some online warm-up activities for your help.

These warm-up activities serve to help the student. They prepare him to enter the learning process in a relaxing way. They do not start the lesson immediately on what they find on the first page of the unit. The use of these activities depends on the level of the students we are teaching. You as teachers should observe what activities your students prefer. This way, you will know what to use for future lessons.

What are some online warm-up activities?

1.The A to Z game is a fun and vocabulary game. It is a game that brings energy into the classroom. It’s ideal as a warm-up activity. We can consider it a great way to introduce new topics. Topics might be about adjectives,  jobs, food, sports, school, etc.

How to play it? Write the letters A to Z in columns down. As soon as you say start, students must race to write/say an appropriate word next to each letter. For example, if the theme is fruits, then they might write Apple, Banana, etc. Give a point for every word. 
2.Last Letter Word Chain requires to start the game by suggesting a simple world like ‘DRESS’ or ‘KITE’. The next student has to say a word which starts on the last letter of your suggestion. If you offer to write ‘dress’ it would be, ‘sofa’.If you write ‘kite ’ it would be ‘elephant’ and so on.

3.Odd one outPresent the students with a couple of examples to guess. After that, invite students to come up with their own ideas. Here are some examples: apple, blueberry, banana. An apple starts with the letter”s”, the others start with the letter ”b”.You can try various topics.

4.Describe the PictureFirst, show the entire class a picture. Make sure it has lots of little details in it. Then, put the picture away and ask the students to describe what they saw to their partner. Give them about 30 seconds.

You may even split the class into teams. A representative from each group may present as many details as possible within a time limit. The team with the most right answers is the winner!

5. Hot Seat-This is what teachers consider to be the leader of all warm-up games. It involves all the students. It is great for reviewing vocabulary, and it grows wonderful levels to the top. And there is very little prep involved! How? Prepare a list of vocabulary words. Ask a student to turn the back to the screen. Make sure he/she cannot see. Start a timer (one minute) and write the first word on the board. The other students must say things related to that word. They elicit that word from their teammate sitting in the hot seat. Once the student guesses correctly, write the next word. Continue until time runs out. The student with the most correct guesses at the end is the winner!

Here, in Lisa Learning, we use all these warm-ups in our classes. The result is successful. We would like to invite you to join our school to have fun during your language learning or teaching experiences. We offer a unique and lifetime experience.

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Picture of Ardita


Mrs. Ardita Bazelli graduated with a degree in English from the Fan Noli University in Korce, in 2004. She is currently teaching English at Preca International College. Mrs. Bazelli has been a consistent partner and co-founder in national and international eTwinning projects in Albanian and European schools for improving technological access to education. In 2019, she guided her students aged 12-15 to win nationally recognized projects. For the last ten years, she has been teaching at the LSIA Korce branch, where she is currently helping young students learn English.